Maybe I should make my nickname as "loser" and end with "always". You have to be social and active, and you have better made more and more friends as possible. To have more friends, you can have better health and better life, too. It seemed that people have good reasons to have social with others, and I think that I have some kind of dilemma in "socialization". That's the rule of the world.
It is a very vital skills for people to "survive" in the world, ;but, how could you betray the truth which you even did not like, either? Sometimes, I think that I would rather sacrifice my socialization if it is a right or more proper conditions. However, I never thought that I could "bury" so many chances to make friends with them. Others who see this post should laugh and say that "you are some kind of good joker, actually" (Behind this post, they might blame on me more than 10 times. )
Maybe even the Mighty think that I have a stomach-and-headach-similar humor that made people feel I am a "problem maker". However, the problem never really belonged to me but it seemed that became the shadow after me. The emotional burdens never left nor gave me peaceful life, ever.
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Please forgive my Chin-glish. I never thought that I really use the "pattern" of standard. My English is so poor that everyone laughed at me, but it's only a normal and acceptable behavior. However, the truth is some kind of core of rapaged issue or the cause for "emotional situation". I used to read the post about the topic of "brain" (in Trad-Chindese), "how to make your decision", which told me that the human beings used their "emotional brains" to see, hear, or judge things. The fraud groups are good at useage of the weakness among people.
Sometime, I just cannot stand strange "dreams" in my shallow sleeps after that 2 families moved here. I standed it over 5 years, and I think that maybe your kindness can help me to give me a "deep" sleep.
More deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep sleep.
Thank you forever.