這家似乎從1970s就可以匯入資料:但是:別的外部連結無法做到這樣的功能可是仔細一看:我覺得這些地震資料應該不是1970年代的:應該是不知道管理台背後哪裡產生亂碼所以整個時間表有點混亂,但是回到原來最先的原始連結:應該是看得到的~背景的圖片,比storytlr更早就使用的swurl,功能更棒,可是比storytlr 更早就熄燈了:很可惜............圖片的縮圖在下方:可是如果你不點進去看原來的連結文章
M 2.6, Kodiak Island region, Alaska-----Author: Global earthquake report
M 4.9, Vanuatu Author: Global earthquake report
M 4.8, offshore El Salvador Author: Global earthquake report
M 4.1, Jilin-Heilongjiang border region, China Author: Global earthquake report
M 5.1, Vanuatu region-Author: Global earthquake report
M 2.7, Puerto Rico region-Author: Global earthquake report
M 2.7, Baja California, Mexico-Author: Global earthquake report
M 3.4, Virgin Islands region-Author: Global earthquake report
M 5.7, Puebla, Mexico-Author: Global earthquake report
M 4.6, Fiji region-Author: Global earthquake report
M 3.0, Central California-Author: Global earthquake report
M 2.6, Washington-Author: Global earthquake report
M 3.1, Puerto Rico region-Author: Global earthquake report
M 3.0, Virgin Islands region-Author: Global earthquake report
M 2.7, eastern Tennessee-Author: Global earthquake report
M 5.2, south of the Fiji Islands-Author: Global earthquake report
M 3.2, Fox Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska-Author: Global earthquake report
M 5.0, off the coast of Jalisco, Mexico-Author: Global earthquake report
M 5.7, Seram, Indonesia-Author: Global earthquake report
M 5.5, off the coast of Jalisco, Mexico-Author: Global earthquake report
M 4.9, Negros, Philippines-Author: Global earthquake report
M 4.2, Fox Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska-Author: Global earthquake report
M 2.6, northern Alaska-Author: Global earthquake report
M 4.3, southern Greece-Author: Global earthquake report
M 4.5, Fiji region-Author: Global earthquake report
M 2.5, Andreanof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska-Author: Global earthquake report
M 4.4, Tonga-Author: Global earthquake report
M 2.5, Fox Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska-Author: Global earthquake report
M 3.6, south of Alaska-Author: Global earthquake report
M 2.5, Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska-Author: Global earthquake report
M 3.0, Rat Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska-Author: Global earthquake report
M 2.9, Central Alaska-Author: Global earthquake report
M 2.8, Puerto Rico region-Author: Global earthquake report
M 4.6, north of Svalbard-Author: Global earthquake report
M 3.3, Mona Passage, Dominican Republic-Author: Global earthquake report
M 5.0, near the east coast of Honshu, Japan-Author: Global earthquake report
M 2.5, Northern California-Author: Global earthquake report
M 5.2, central Kazakhstan-Author: Global earthquake report
M 5.6, Guerrero, Mexico-Author: Global earthquake report
M 4.5, southeast of the Loyalty Islands-Author: Global earthquake report
M 4.8, off the east coast of Honshu, Japan-Author: Global earthquake report
M 4.9, southern Sumatra, Indonesia-Author: Global earthquake report
M 3.2, Puerto Rico region-Author: Global earthquake report
M 3.0, Unimak Island region, Alaska--Author: Global earthquake report
M 2.5, Central California-Author: Global earthquake report
M 4.8, Sulawesi, Indonesia--Author: Global earthquake report
M 3.2, Dominican Republic region--Author: Global earthquake report
例如: 今天的消息,從storytlr看到的標題羅列應該是以下的條列表示
USGS M2.5+ Earthquakes
Real-time, worldwide earthquake list for the past day---------October 16, 2009